Ozee Markets Booking Manager

Allows market organisers to easily and affordably manage your stall booking administration and market operations management!

Stallholders can book market stalls and review their booking online, all booking details including dates of markets, stall size, price and positions on visual market site layouts.

Ozee Markets News and Enhancements

Improved Stallholder Document Updating during Stall Ordering Process

Stallholders can now easily update and/or delete expired Insurance Certificates of Cover including Food Permits/Licenses including entering the expiry dates for the documents.

Application Performance Improvements

We have upgraded and optimised the core application with additional server processor and storage capacity to dramatically improve both front-end stallholder stall booking processes and market organiser management functions.

Expanded Stall Booking Transaction Search Functionality

Market Organisers can now search for any specific stall booking transaction using the following search criteria on the Transaction Search Bar: First Name or Last Name or Business Name or Email Address or Phone Number otr Transaction ID or Stall Title.

A promotional overlay on the market listing image is available

We have added the capability to add a promotional or advertisement message as an overlay to the market listing image on the home page

Added visibility of sold stall details in the market stall details management list

The stall sold details related to the stallholder name and email address have been added to the market stall details management list for easy reference.

Sub-Admin Market Organiser Functionality

Updated the sub-admin functionality updated to allow and access all the new market organiser functions with exception of financial related net fund wirhdrawals

Large Market with Multiple stall layout maps

New functionality to customise the naming convention for each of the multiple maps has been added to allow the market organiser to name each stall layout map to that recognised by their stallholder community.

A special function has been introduced for option verification

If an option allows a reduction in the stall price the additional verification will check compliance with the dcumentation required to recieve the stall price reduction.

Stallholder documentation updating improvements

Stallholder deletion and uploading of their new & updated insurance certificate of covers and / or food permits/licenses has been improved including the updating of the respective expiry dates during the online stall booking process.

Improved market option control

New functionality has been added to improve the addition and deletion of market options for rental such as tables chairs, stall tents, tent leg weights, insurance and power extensions...etc.

Improvements to addition and deletion of Market Dates for the Published Calendar

We have implemented improvements to the addition of market dates to a calendar that automatically populates the listed stalls as active for online booking. Likewise improvements have been included to delete market dates from a calendar while validating against any existing stall booking for the specified market date.

Enhancement to Reserve a Stall Position for a Specific Stallholder

We have implemented a functionality to reserve a stall position on the market layout for a specified stallholder on selected calendar market date/s.  This will prevent any other registered stallholder from booking the reserve spot while only the specified stallholder can book that stall position online.

Integration with an Electronic Direct Mail (Bulk Emailer)

This will provide the Market Organiser with the ability to utilise an an Electronic Direct Mail (Bulk Email) for their regular eNewsletters and/or promotional emails. Currently the implementation is via downloading the market related contacts and uploading the email contact list to an external EDM provider like PMZVeMail (https://www.pmzmarketing.com.au/vemail-marketing).

Implementation of 2FA (Two Factor Authorisation) for Market Organiser login access

In line with new developments for login access security, we have implemented Two-factor authentication (2FA) using an OTP (One-Time-Pass) code emailed to the registered email address of the market organiser.. Market Organisers can trun on this additional level of sign0in authentication security.

Update on the option for adding an additional payment option - PayPal Payments

We are currently performing a survey to secure feedback from our Market Organisers on whether they would like PayPal Payments to be offered to stallholders as an additional payment option for their stall orders. Two areas are of concern; higher transaction fees to the stallholder and the need for additional steps to login into PayPal to authorise the payment. As a general operating principle Ozee Markets prefers to utilise Australian owed and operated business entities.

UPDATE: Based on feedback recevied from Market Organisers this item will be sheleved at this time and revisted in the next year.
