Ozee Markets Booking Manager

Welcome to Ozee Markets Booking Manager. Our online booking manager allows market organisers to easily and affordably manage your markets.

Stallholders can book market stalls and review their booking online, all booking details including dates of markets, stall size, price and positions on visual market site layouts.


Improved the Precision of the Market Stall Position Allocation

With larger number of stalls on the market layout the dimensions on the layout map of the stall become smaller. To increase the accuracy and precision of the stall postion allocation, the "Tiny Dot" and the "Mini Dot" have been added to the drag and rop locator.  In addition, the Blue square has been made transparent with a thin outline of a 'crosshair' to precicely position the dot with in the desired stall position location on the layout map.

Additional Stallholder position shifting Option

For Market Organisers with multiple Markets and additional stallholder position shifting option will be provided, This option will allow the Market Organiser (with the concurrence of the stallholder) to move thier booking to another Market, market day and stall position.

A Supplement to the Market Day Report to Include Stall holder Product Descriptions

A popular request from Market Orgnisers has been the availability of additional supplemental information for the Market Day Report. These is the General Description of the Product to be offered by the Stallholder submitted during the stall oder booking process. These additional information can be useful for market day promotional purposes and also as verification for the products actually sold by the stallholders of their booked market dates.

Market Day Report will Include Expiry Dates

With the scheduled enhancement to include the expiry dates for the Insurance Cover and the Food Permit/Licence (as applicable) when these documents are uploaded during the stall order booking process. The new Market Day Report will contain these information when generated.

Market Stall Position Reassignment Improvements

Market Organisers have the functionality to move or shift a stallholder position on the assigned market layout to a better location for the stallholder or move the stallholder position from a restricted area of the market (ie food stalls only) to the appropriate location. In additon, the functionlity allows the move to also include moving the stallholder position to a different market date.  The fully automated emails on the stall position reassignments are sent to the stallholder with complete information on the transaction order number for the move, the market dates and the from and to stall postion information.

Expanded Stallholder User Search Functionality

Market Organisers can now search for any specific market stallholder using the following search criteria on the User Search Bar: First Name or Last Name or Business Name or Email Address or Phone Number.

Additional Administrative Functionality for Allocating Sold Market Stalls

When a Market Orgniser accepts stall payments offline or the assigned stallholder has either sponsor arrangments or community (no fee) stall allocations. The Market Organiser now has the functionality to add the Name or Business Name to the manually allocate Sold Stall position. The assigned Name or Business Name will be displayed on the market stall booking layout and the Market Day Report

Improved Market Stall Status Coloured Symbols

The new improved market stall status colured shapes allows potential stallholder with colour blindness for reduced sensitivity to red, green or blue. These improvements allows their stall selections based on with the stall status new green star (Available Stall) and red triangle (Sold Stall).

Market Stall Booking Process Streamlined for Stallholders

Based on feedback and suggestions received from both stall holders and market organisers alike, we have streamlined the market stall booking process.  We eliminated one major step which was the selection of the product category desired after the market date was selected.  

This was merged into one step for the stall holder with the selection of the stall location. The product categories allowed for the stall locations will be automatically displayed when the stall is selected to book the position.  This improvement has been well received by our current users.

As always we welcome your improvement ideas and input.
