Ozee Markets Booking Manager

Allows market organisers to easily and affordably manage your stall booking administration and market operations management!

Stallholders can book market stalls and review their booking online, all booking details including dates of markets, stall size, price and positions on visual market site layouts.


How do I book a market stall?

The first step is to search for your desired market. Next, select the date from the market layout map. Click on the market stall location you prefer from the market stalls that are available for booking. Proceed to make your stall booking order and process your payment details. If you can find and download the 'User Guide to Booking your Stall Online' on https://www.ozeemarkets.com.au/user-guides.

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How can I register as a market organiser?

You can register as a Market Organiser from our home page at https://www.ozeemarkets.com.au/ and click on the 'Register as  Market Organiser' button. Complete the registration webform and submit. You will be sent a 'Verification Code' to the email address you registered with. Once you confirm the verification code your registration will be complete. You can find further details in the 'User Guide to Set-up your Markets for Online Booking' located on https://www.ozeemarkets.com.au/user-guides 

Note: You can complete your registration even if you have no ABN Number or Business Name just leave both these webform fields blank.

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How do I add a market for city or town location that is not yet listed on the site?

Please complete the Contact Us web form on https://www.ozeemarkets.com.au/contact and indicate the city or town name that you would like to list your market in. Kindly include the appropirate State and Post Code.  We will act on your request and provide a reply as soon as possible to allow you to upload your market details for inclusion in the online Ozee Markets Booking Manager.

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How can I register as a stall holder?

You can register as a Stall Holder from our home page at https://www.ozeemarkets.com.au/ and click on the 'Register as Stall Holder' button. Complete the registration webform and submit. You will be sent a 'Verification Code' to the email address you registered with. Once you confirm the verification code your registration will be complete. You can find further details in the 'User Guide to Booking your Stall Online' located on https://www.ozeemarkets.com.au/user-guides 

Note: You can complete your registration even if you have no ABN Number or Business Name just leave both these webform fields blank.

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Can I register if I don't have an ABN Number or Business Name?

Yes, you can register as either a stall holder or a market organiser even if you have no ABN Number or Business Name, just leave both these webform fields blank.

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If I have a question related to what is allowed or what can be sold in a market?

Ozee Markets Booking Manager is a booking agent providing the online booking and payment facilities to allow stall holders to select a market and book market stalls online.

All the information displayed is prepared and loaded for display by each respective Market Organiser. If you require additional information related to a market or for bump-in and bump-out instructions, kindly contact the Market Organiser directly for the information you require. The majority of Market Organisers will have their own Facebook Business Page or even website providing contact details to get in touch.

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What is the cost to use Ozee Markets Booking Manager for online stall management, booking & payments?

Ozee Markets Booking Manager is a pay for performance transaction based online booking system.

  • Listing your market or festival on Ozee Markets Booking Manager is FREE. There is no one-time or annual or fixed monthly fees to use list your market, event or festival onOzee Markets Booking Manager
  • There are no one-time or annual or fixed monthly fees to use your online market organiser access to manage your market layout, market stalls & options pricing and including the generation of market management and stall booking reports 
  • We are a performance based online booking system. We receive only a 5% commission fee for each successful online stall booking transaction accepted by your online market manager or coordinator

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Do I need to register every time I need to make a market stall booking?

No, you only need to successfully register once! Next time you want to make an online market stall booking simply go to https://www.ozeemarkets.com.au/ and click on the orange 'Login' on your upper right hand-side. If you have forgotten your password just click on the "Fogotten Password" link and follow the instructions sent to your email address to set-up a new password. Once you have login you can select the market you are interested in and choose the market stall that is avaiable for booking.

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What if I have forgotten my password?

Simply go to https://www.ozeemarkets.com.au/ and click on the orange 'Login' on your upper right hand-side. If you have forgotten your password just click on the "Fogotten Password" link and follow the instructions sent to your email address to set-up a new password.

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If I encounter an issue using Ozee Markets Booking Manager, how can I get help?

Ozee Markets Booking Manager provides several ways to get help and assistance, these are:

  • You can download and view various user guides to help you with the steps, go to Ozee Markets | Leading Stall Booking Manager | Australia :: User Guide
  • A detailed support web form at Ozee Markets Support is available so that you can describe the issue and include any screenshots to allow us to quickly analyse and get back to you with the solution.
  • We have a Contact Us webform at Contact Ozee Markets, please complete the webform including the query you have?
  • An online Facebook Messanger Chat window is available on the lower right hand side of your screen. Click on it and login using Facebook Messenger to ask your question.

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Do I need Market Stall Public Liability Insurance to book a market stall?

Yes, it is required.  All markets, events, festivals and exhibitions will have mandatory public liability insurance requirements for all stall holders before your booking order request will be accepted. Please ensure that you make arrangements to secure your own public liability insurance before booking for market stalls to prevent getting rejected by the market organiser.  There are numerous specilist and insurance companies that offer market stall public liability insurance. Make sure you research and compare offerings to determine what would be best for you.

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What are your Legal Requirements for Setting-Up a Market Stall Business?

We have provided a link to an article from https://business.gov.au/planning/ with information on "Understand your legal obligations when you're running a market stall and learn why it's important to follow the food safety standards if you sell food". See https://business.gov.au/planning/business-structures-and-types/set-up-a-market-stall for details.

The article covers Licenses, Permits and Insurance requirments while providing an overview of other regulations and requirments that new stallholder businesses need to be aware of.

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What Licence do I need to operate a Food Stall?

It is crtical that you contact the responsible group within your local government (state & local council) to determine and understand the requirements and qualifications that will be needed to operate a food stall at a market location. Most likely you will need to secure a Temporary Food Stall Licence and have applicable market stall insurance. Depending on the designated food risk profile you may need additional certification and council inspections.

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